Basic Auto Maintenance: What You Should Know as a Driver

Proper upkeep of your vehicle will prevent accidents and sudden failure of components while driving, and minimizes repair expenses down the road. Here are the most important tasks that you should know in relation to vehicle maintenance:

What All Drivers Should Know About Vehicle Maintenance

Here’s What You Need to Know About Vehicle Maintenance

Check Your Engine Oil

Checking the engine oil level is an important piece of auto maintenance. If your vehicle is new, you can check the oil according to the owner’s manual. For older and worn out cars, you’ll want to check the oil more frequently. When checking the oil, it should be within the optimal level, between the markings on the dipstick. If it is low, top it off to prevent damaging the engine. If the level of the oil keeps falling quickly, your vehicle likely has a leak, and you’ll need to consult a mechanic for immediate repairs.

To ensure your engine is properly maintained, it is important to change the oil regularly. It is generally recommended to do this every $3,000 miles or so.

Monitor Your Tires

There are two critical aspects to monitor on your tires: the air pressure and the tread depth. Checking the air pressure when the tires are cold will provide more ideal readings. The tread depth is an important piece for safety. If the tread is low, your vehicle has less traction on the road, and the tires are more susceptible to blowouts. Additionally, it is good for drivers to learn how to change tires in case of an emergency.

Inspect the Brakes

Brake failure or malfunction could cause a major crash. Therefore, the maintenance of the braking system is mandatory. Check the condition of the brake pads and linings regularly. If these are excessively worn out, plan for immediate replacement. Damaged and tired rotors should also be replaced or repaired. If you notice anomalies in function, have the brakes checked by a professional.

Top Off the Fluids

It is essential for the fluids in your vehicle to be replenished when needed for the optimal performance of the car. The transmission fluid should be checked using the provided dipstick, according to the instructions provided by the vehicle manufacturer. The power steering fluid and brake fluid should also be topped off when necessary, and the system must be checked for leaks.

Other important auto maintenance tasks that you should understand include checking the condition of the battery, replacing the air filters, cleaning the radiator, and replacing spark plugs. If warning lights are showing or your vehicle is due for maintenance, bring your vehicle to one of the dealerships at Valley Automall for a complete diagnosis. Our experts will be able to refill your fluids and perform any necessary repairs. Contact us at 702-570-2257.