In the Market for a Used Car in Las Vegas? Kick the Tires (and Check the Color)

These days, cars, trucks and SUVs have become a colorful lot.
Back when the Model T was rolling off the assembly line, buyers had one options: black.
In fact, it was Henry Ford himself who once famously quipped that “Any customer can have a car painted any color he (or she) wants so long as it is black.”

Thank goodness things have changed.
Today, you can go shopping for used cars in Las Vegas and test drive vehicles in a rainbow of colors. It’s not uncommon to see cars that are bright orange, yellow or even pink roaring down the road. And why not? Cars can be expensive, so you might as well get one that you absolutely love.

And speaking of the price: Does the color of a car, truck or SUV have anything to do with cost?
Actually, it does. Keep reading to find out why.

Color trends matter

colorful used cars in las vegas

Some people like big vehicles, some like small ones. Some people are all about speed, others prefer the practicality of functionality.
Of course, size power and creature comforts matter when it comes to price–but so does the color of the car.

While white is the most popular vehicle color in the country (according to paint supplier, PPG Industries), plenty of people want to purchase vehicles that have a certain “look.”
Simply put, some colors are currently more popular than others.

Color trends come and go, and as they do so does the popularity of certain colors. And when colors are trendy, people tend to be willing to pay more for vehicles painted in those hues.

Some vehicle-buyers watch the weather

If you have ever hopped on I-15 and driven north during the winter months, you probably noticed something as you got closer to Salt Lake City: more black cars, trucks and SUVs on the freeway.

That’s because where you live plays a role in what color car you drive. If you compare used cars in Las Vegas to those in climates to the north, you’re more likely to see black vehicles in the north.

After all, it gets pretty hot in Las Vegas, and a black vehicle can soak up an awful lot of summer sun. So in some states, people simply won’t pay quite as much for certain color cars.

Common colors will always be cool

Maybe Henry Ford was right, because some colors simply never fall out of favor. When it comes to used cars in Las Vegas (as well as most other cities across the country), people tend to like vehicles that are white, silver and black (yes, black).

These colors are generally viewed as “safe” picks because they are vehicle colors that are not likely to every go out of style.

Kick the tires (and consider the color)
If you’re in the market for used cars in Las Vegasconnect with Valley Automall. You’ll find an array of vehicles in an array of colors–and you’ll also find some really great deals.

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