Safety Tips for Driving in Bad Weather Conditions

Inclement weather conditions can be frightening and stressful, particularly when you are behind the wheel of your vehicle. It’s important to know how to drive in different types of weather so that you are prepared no matter where you go. Below are some tips that can help you feel more confident and keep you safe when driving in bad weather. 

Safe Driving Tips for Various Types of Weather

Follow These Tips to Stay Safe While Driving in Bad Weather

Decrease Your Speed

One of the most important actions to take in bad weather is to decrease the speed at which you are driving. Slowing down allows you to better see potential hazards, gives you more time to react and, ultimately, helps you maintain control of your car. In addition, when roads are slippery, it takes longer to brake.

Do Not Tailgate

Tailgating can lead to an accident if the person in front of your stops short, so it’s important to maintain a safe distance. You should also consider the drivers behind you by braking gradually. This is another reason not to tailgate – if the driver in front of you slows down, you’ll have to brake quickly, which means that you not only run the risk of rear-ending them, but you also run the risk of being rear-ended by the person behind you.

Use Fog Lights

When encountering fog, make sure you have your fog lights turned on. These lights make it easier for you to see the road through the fog as they are closer to, and aimed towards the ground. However, don’t use them in the rain! Using fog lights in Las Vegas rains can make it more difficult to see since they create additional reflections.

If you’re in extreme fog, emergency flashers may be a good idea so that other cars can more easily see your vehicle. 

Take Caution When Braking and Accelerating

When driving in wet or icy conditions, accelerate slowly to prevent the tires from spinning. If your car starts to slide, remove your foot from the accelerator. If your brakes are anti-lock, firmly press the brake pedal, otherwise, try to avoid using it. If it’s necessary, gently pump the brake. To straighten your vehicle out, gently turn your wheel the direction in which you are skidding. 

To get more tips for vehicle maintenance that will help you ensure you’re ready for any kind of weather, check out the following blog posts:

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