What to Look for when Buying a Used Car in Las Vegas

Not all cars are created equal, and not all owners treat their vehicles with an equal amount of care. That’s why it’s important to know what to look for when you’re buying a used car.
If you’re in the market for a used car in Las Vegas, take a look at these five things:

tips for buying a used car in Las Vegas

  1. Reliability
    Some vehicle models are made to last while others seem to have a history of problems. The reliability of models in which you’re interested is one of the first things to consider when buying a used car in Las Vegas. You can get accurate information about how well certain models hold up over time by using online tools such as the Consumer Reports Guide to Car Reliability. Once you know which models are built to last, you can narrow your search.

  2. Mileage
    Every mile a vehicle travels adds wear and tear on its engine. In general, the lower the mileage, the fewer repairs you’re going to have to make. But of course that’s not always the case. For example, if a vehicle is at about 100,000 miles, it might be on the cusp of needing new parts installed, such as a water pump, brakes, timing belt and alternator. On the other hand, a vehicle with between 130,00 and 140,000 miles on it might have already had these parts replaced. Lower mileage is good, but sometimes a car with higher mileage can be better if repairs and replacements have already occurred.

  3. Under the hood
    There’s really only one way to tell for sure whether or not an engine has been updated–and that’s by looking under the hood. Take a look at the hoses and belts, radiator and battery. Squeeze the rubber hoses to make sure they are firm and not rock-hard, cracked or soft. Also make sure the belts aren’t frayed and test the battery to make sure it not dying.

  4. Under the vehicle
    This one is going to take a little effort, but it’s well worth it. Before you buy a used car in Las Vegas, slide on under the vehicle and look for oil drips, leaks and any red or green fluid. If you see these things, it’s not a good sign. Also look for any large dents or damage (or welding) on the frame, which could indicate that the vehicle has been in an accident.

  5. Inside
    Most people think about comfort when they consider vehicle interiors, but there are some other important things to check. Make sure the upholstery isn’t ripped or badly worn. Then make sure the seats adjust properly. Take a look at the pedals, too. If the rubber is worn, it may indicate that the car has been driven a lot. Also check the instruments to make sure they work.

Need help?
If you need help, stop by Valley Automall. You’ll find a wide selection and experts who are ready to help you find the right used car and make sure it’s a good one.

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