Which Type of Car Should You Buy?

Buying a new or used vehicle is an exciting experience, but with so many models to choose from nowadays, it can be challenging to know what type of car is right for you. To narrow down your search, it may help to examine a few of today’s most popular vehicles and how they compare to one another. Here are a few options worth considering if you’re in the market for a new vehicle. Hybrid With fuel prices soaring, many drivers are looking for a car with better gas mileage. Hybrid vehicles are extremely efficient due to their ability to run off either electric power or gasoline depending on how much power the engine needs. This type of car can easily achieve

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5 Common Car Problems During the Summer and How to Avoid Them

Unfortunately, high temperatures can put a tremendous amount of stress on your vehicle that can easily interfere with your summer plans. While it can be frustrating to deal with car problems in the middle of summer, it’s easy to avoid many unexpected issues that tend to occur in warmer weather with a little knowledge and preparation. Read on to learn about 5 of the most common car problems during the summer and what you can do to fix them. Weak or Broken Air Conditioning A vehicle’s AC may start blowing with less force or stop working altogether for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, the problem is a simple electrical short or damaged fuse, but low refrigerant levels or a clogged

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5 Everyday Tips That Will Help You Keep Your Car Clean

Between work, friends, family, and the kids, keeping the car in pristine condition is sometimes easier said than done. Luckily, there are several simple ways to maintain a clean vehicle inside and out without needing to spend a great deal of time or effort in the process. Learn more about a few helpful tips for keeping your car looking great all year long. Invest in a few Cleaning Essentials Purchase some wet wipes or microfiber cloths to wipe down surfaces in your vehicle every so often. If your vehicle has fine upholstery, just make sure you’re not using materials that can damage delicate fabrics. To keep the floorboards clean, think about buying a mini vacuum cleaner you can plug directly

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Top Factors That Affect The Lifespan of Your Brake Pads

Like many components in a vehicle, brake pads will slowly wear down over time. The expected lifespan of your brake pads depends on many different factors such as your driving style, the type of brake pads you’re using, and how many hours a day you spend on the road. For the most part, brake pads can last anywhere between 20,000 and 75,000 miles before they may require replacement. Read on to learn more about how long brake pads typically last and what can impact their expected lifespan. Frequent, Sudden Stops When coming to a stop, try to apply gentle pressure to the brakes to avoid putting undue strain on the pads. When driving, it’s best to maintain several car lengths

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