5 Car Noises That Signal A Common Car Problem

If You Hear Any of These Sounds it could mean you have a common car problem

While not all issues in your vehicle require immediate attention, there are some that should never be ignored — particularly certain sounds. The car care experts at Valley Automall insist that you bring your car in for a checkup the moment you hear any of these five noises: 

1. Knocking
Common Cause: Low Fluids or Problems with Rod Bearings
Engine knocking is common for many vehicles that are low on engine fluids. In many cases, replacing your fluids during an oil change will prevent engine knocking. However, this could also be a sign of a more serious issue that could result in the need for a complete engine replacement.

2. Grinding
Common Cause: Brake Pad Damage or Wheel Bearing Damage
Grinding is caused by metal-on-metal rubbing, which may be cause for concern, especially if it’s happening under the hood. Issues could stem from drive belt damage to alternator problems.

3. Squeaking
Common Cause: Brake Pad Damage
Squeaking can also be a sign that the brakes themselves are starting to fail, especially if the squeaking is replaced by grinding or rumbling noises.

4. Rattling
Common Cause: Loose Exhaust Pipes Rattling
A rattling noise can also be a sign that the muffler, brakes or tires are becoming significantly damaged.

5. Hissing
Common Cause: Loose Hoses
Sometimes sounding like a high-pitched squeak, a hissing noise could mean that you’re leaking air from one of your engine hoses. It could also mean that the belt system is having issues. 

There are many other noises you should keep an ear out for as well, like whining, tire noises, booms, ticking, tapping, and squealing. If you hear any noise that’s out of the ordinary — or that one of your passengers notices because you’ve become accustomed to hearing it — bring your vehicle into Valley Automall right away for a quick assessment. We’ll find the cause of the noise and ensure that your safety isn’t jeopardized by faulty components. 

For more information on car maintenance issues to be aware of, visit our blog or contact us today at 702-570-2257.

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