What Does Brake Squealing Mean?

Having reliable brakes when on the road is essential to ensuring driver safety, so when you start hearing screeching brakes, it’s a good idea to get it looked at right away. While it’s normal for a car’s brakes to squeal shortly after starting up, if the problem persists, it could be an indicator of some bigger problems. Take a few moments to review some of the most common causes behind screeching brakes.

1. Worn Out Brake Pads

Why Do Screeching Brakes Mean

Over years of use, brake pads will naturally wear down, causing the vehicle to squeal. The sound is caused by the insulating material on the brake pad wearing away, allowing the metal on the brake to come into direct contact with the metal on the rotor. Over time, the sound of your screeching brakes will become louder and last longer until the pads are changed out. Driving on worn out brake pads is extremely dangerous, especially during inclement weather, so it’s important to address the issue sooner than later. Brake pads are affordable, and it should take an experienced technician no time to replace them. However, it’s important to note that not all brake pads are of equal quality. Cheaper brake pads will likely wear down much faster, so consider investing more upfront to save money down the road.

2. Bad Brake Rotors

You may need to have your rotors checked for issues. Rotors should be cleaned in between brake jobs or replaced altogether when new brake pads are installed. Dirty rotors can cause screeching brakes so if you decide to keep the old ones when replacing your brake pads, make sure the rotors are thoroughly cleaned and resurfaced first. Brake rotors are relatively inexpensive to purchase but it’s always a good idea to have them installed by professionals.

3. Issues with the Brake Calipers

Problems with the brake calipers can cause a screeching sound in a vehicle as well. Behind the brake pad is a little piece of insulation, responsible for protecting the brake pad from the brake caliper. If this insulation or “shim” is worn out, screeching brakes is often the result. Additionally, the anti-rattle clip securing the caliper to the brake pad could be damaged or broken, creating a loud squealing sound. When you have your brake pads or rotors replaced, your mechanic will ensure the calipers are installed properly.

If you’re experiencing screeching brakes, call 702-570-2257 or visit Valley Automall in Las Vegas for expert assistance. Our experienced mechanics will fix your screeching brakes so you can drive safely. Trust in our team to get the job done right so you can get back on the road with confidence.

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