Fuel Efficiency Tips to Help You Save Money on Gas

Amid rising gas prices across the United States, drivers everywhere are looking for ways to improve their vehicles’ fuel efficiency. Fortunately, making a few simple changes to your driving habits and vehicle maintenance routine can go a long way to reducing the amount of money you spend on gasoline every month. Read on to explore a few helpful fuel efficiency tips that can put more cash back in your pocket this year.

Restrict AC Use Whenever Possible

You may be able to conserve a little gasoline by cutting back on using the vehicle’s air conditioner. Since most modern AC systems connect directly to a compressor unit that pulls power from the engine, keeping climate control turned off on more mild days can have a positive impact on gas mileage. As an alternative, try using the air circulation button or rolling down a window to draw warm air out of the cabin. 

Avoid Accelerating or Braking too Abruptly

Constantly speeding up and coming to a screeching halt can put a strain on your engine, reducing your gas mileage in the process. To get better fuel efficiency, practice safe driving habits like keeping an appropriate distance from other vehicles and gradually coming to a stop in traffic. When speeding up, apply pressure to the accelerator gradually, ensuring your transmission switches gears at no higher than 3,000 RPM.

Don’t Forget to Check your Tire Pressure

Fuel economy will begin to decline as your vehicle’s tires lose air pressure. You can prevent this from happening by checking your tire pressure periodically throughout the year and adding air as needed to meet the recommended PSI printed on the side of the tires. Remember, your vehicle’s tires are more likely to lose air as they age, so be sure to buy a new set at the first sign of substantial wear.

Stick to the Highways

Most modern vehicles achieve better fuel efficiency on the highway than they do in stop-and-go city traffic. You may be able to reduce your gas consumption by altering your commute route or by avoiding congested areas during rush hour. If you find yourself on the open road for some distance, use your vehicle’s cruise control function to help further reduce the amount of fuel your engine consumes.

Reduce your Cargo Weight

Heavier vehicles will naturally require more energy to drive and this will certainly decrease your car’s fuel economy. If your car is always full of work materials, tools, or other items, consider removing any unnecessary clutter that could be weighing things down before hitting the road.

Service Specials & Tips for Fuel Efficiency

Keeping your vehicle in top working condition is essential for maximum fuel efficiency. When you need immediate assistance addressing problems with your car, visit Valley Automall for expert support. We offer numerous service specials that can help you save big on your automotive repairs like brake service, tire rotations, parts replacement, and more.


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