Shopper Statistics: How Buyers Shop for Cars in Las Vegas

For as long as Americans have been driving, buying a car has been about following your heart. Before everyone carried a small computer in the palm of their hands, the car-buying process was much more of an art than a science. These days, shopping for cars in Las Vegas is more about making smart decisions based on real-time facts and figures that can be found in an instant on the internet. For many, there’s still a certain amount of “touch” and “feel” involved in the process, but most rely on research. Here are five fast and surprising facts about how most buyers shop for cars in Las Vegas and around across the country:

5 Facts on Buying Cars in Las Vegas

  1. People spend more time online than on the lot.

    According to Autotrader, car buyers spend about 60 percent of their time researching vehicles online.

  2. Preconceived notions are preconceived notions.

    While everyone wants a Maserati, 6 out of every 10 people are actually open to considering many options when they begin the buying process, according to Autotrader.

  3. Social media doesn’t really matter.

    People rely on social media for everything, from restaurant recommendations to movie reviews. But, according to a recent “New Autoshopper Study” conducted by D. Power, only about one out of every five car buyers turns to Twitter, Facebook, DealerRater, or other platforms for advice.

  4. Millennials take their time.

    Millennials, who were born between 1982 and 2002, have a combined buying power of about $200 billion, according to Forbes, and they are in no hurry to spend it. According to D. Power, Millennials invest more time and money in the car-buying process than their Baby Boomer counterparts.

  5. Most Americans don’t like dealerships.

    Nearly 9 out of every 10 car buyers dislike something about doing business with dealerships, according to the Beepi Consumer Automotive Index. More than 60 percent feel like they’re going to be taken advantage of, 52 percent simply feel anxious or uncomfortable, and nearly 1 out of every 4 would rather have a root canal.

While the way people research vehicles has clearly changed, the way the process makes people feel hasn’t evolved all that much. But, buying cars in Las Vegas doesn’t have to be an angst-filled experience. If you’re in the market for a new or used vehicle, visit Valley Automall. Contact us at 702-570-2257 to learn more about our inventory of cars in Las Vegas.

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