Tips for Keeping Chaos in Check with Kids on Road Trips

If you’re a parent, the thought of trying to keep your kids calm and quiet in the car hour after hour is probably overwhelming. That’s why we’ve gathered the below ideas to help you calm the chaos and make your road trip and enjoyable affair.

How to Minimize Chaos and Make Road Trips with Kids Enjoyable

Keep the Kids Busy

Keeping the little ones occupied is the key to a peaceful road trip. Family-friendly audio books or videos can keep everyone entertained for hours. Activity books and games will also help keep boredom at bay. Prepare yourself ahead of time by putting together a bag of age-appropriate activities for each child.

Have Plenty of Snacks Handy

Avoid a meltdown by making sure the kids are all well-fed throughout the trip. Pack plenty of snacks and plan to stop at a restaurant or two along the way. Skip the drive-thru and go inside. This breaks up the monotony and gives everybody the chance to stretch their legs, use the restroom and get some fresh air.

Stop When You See Something Cool

Don’t forget that the journey is just as important as the destination. If you see something along the way that’s worth checking out, go ahead and stop. Keep an eye out for roadside attractions, parks with a playground, or other fun rest areas. Let the kids know they have 10 minutes to run around and play before it’s time to get back in the car and keep going. This will create memorable moments for the whole family and will condition your children to be excited about road trips.

Avoid Unnecessary Hassles

There’s nothing worse than dealing with car trouble while on a family road trip. Before you head out, make sure your vehicle is in good condition to drive long distances. It’s always a good idea to change your oil, check the battery, and have your tires inspected and rotated.

Schedule a tune-up at Valley Automall before heading out on a road trip. Our technicians will ensure all aspects of your car are well-maintained and ready for the road. Contact us at 702-570-2257 to make an appointment today!

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