5 Road Trip Tips For a Safe and Comfortable Drive

Road trips don’t have to be stressful. With a little preparation, it’s easy to ensure your next road trip goes according to plan. Here are 5 simple tips for making your next adventure a safe and relaxing experience.

1. Plan your Route Ahead of Time

Put a few moments aside before your trip to determine which route is most efficient and what sights are worth seeing along the way. Take note of gas stations, restaurants, or hotel accommodations that will serve as rest stops throughout the course of your journey. If you plan to encounter congestion on the way due to holiday or weekend traffic, consider creating a secondary route that could save you time and gas.

2. Don’t Forget the Spare

A blowout on the road can be a frustrating obstacle to any road trip. Avoid getting stranded by making sure you have a spare tire in the trunk, along with any tools needed to change the flat. Just make sure the spare tire you have is fully inflated before heading out.

3. Bring Emergency Supplies

It’s always better to prepare before going out on the road. Bring a bag of first aid supplies, road flares, and any other items you may need in case of an accident or injury. It’s also a good idea to bring jumper cables and a few other basic tools in case you encounter car problems. If you or any members of your family are on medication, be sure to acquire any refills needed for the duration of the trip.

4. Provide some Entertainment for the Kids

Make sure your kids have plenty to do by packing items like an iPad, road games, or coloring books. You can also prepare some podcasts or audiobooks to provide some background entertainment during the drive. If you have a TV in the back seat, be sure to bring some movies the kids enjoy to keep them occupied while you focus on the road.

5. Pack a Cooler with Drinks and Snacks

Eating on the road can slow you down, not to mention the strain that eating out can put on your budget. You can keep your pit stops to a minimum by bringing a cooler with plenty of water, sandwiches, and snacks for the whole family. Don’t forget to bring napkins and a trash bag as well to keep the interior of the vehicle clean throughout the trip. Additional supplies to bring may include plastic cutlery, Ziploc bags, wet wipes, and paper plates.

Be Road Trip Ready with Valley Automall’s Large Inventory Selection, Service & Parts

If you’re planning a road trip and are looking for a better vehicle to get you there, Valley Automall has plenty of options to choose from. Our vast selection of new and used vehicles includes an enormous variety of models from today’s most reputable brands in the industry. We also offer competitive parts specials so you can save more money on car repairs ahead of your next adventure. Visit Valley Automall today to learn more.