Facts About the Vehicle Industry Many People Don’t Know

Every day in America, our highways and streets are full of vehicles that many of us take for granted today. The interesting history of the automobile goes back several hundred years with a myriad of changes to engine design and style over time. Here are a few fun facts about vehicles that many car enthusiasts may not know about:

The 1901 Mercedes Set the Standard

While you may think of the Model-T as one of the first reliable vehicles to hit the road, it was actually the 1901 Mercedes that set the stage for future breakthroughs in automobile development. The 1901 Mercedes only came with a 35-horsepower engine, but this was a considerable upgrade from the standard at the time. It wouldn’t be until 1908 that Henry Ford developed the Model-T that so many Americans are familiar with today.

The First Vehicles Ran on Steam or Electricity, Not Gasoline

In the beginning of vehicle manufacturing, steam or electric engines were preferred over gasoline engines. The very first automobile was actually created in 1769 and ran off of steam. In 1803, an engine was created that ran off of hydrogen. By the mid to late 1800’s, internal combustion engines powered by gasoline were just beginning to be developed, favored by many for their increased safety, improved design and superior mobility.

The First “Smart” Car Came Out in the 1980’s

Decades before Alexa, the Austin Maestro brought a vehicle to the market that came equipped with a sophisticated digital dashboard, which would provide voice warnings to the driver. The recorded voice of a male or female would play over the dash when it detected issues with the engine, such as low oil pressure or problems with the coolant system. The voice system was available in both English and French.

Cruise Control Was Invented in the 1940’s

Cruise control – a feature often associated with modern cars – was developed as early as 1948. Referred to as a “Speedostat”, this early cruise control feature aimed to make automobiles safer by automatically controlling the rate of speed. The development of this safety component in vehicles paved the way for many new advancements in driver safety.

Find Your Next Car at Valley Automall

Considering how much vehicles have changed since their invention so many years ago, it will be exciting to see where the future of automobiles takes us. If you’re in the market for a new vehicle, contact Valley Automall today at 702- 570-2257.