Top Factors That Affect The Lifespan of Your Brake Pads

Like many components in a vehicle, brake pads will slowly wear down over time. The expected lifespan of your brake pads depends on many different factors such as your driving style, the type of brake pads you’re using, and how many hours a day you spend on the road. For the most part, brake pads can last anywhere between 20,000 and 75,000 miles before they may require replacement. Read on to learn more about how long brake pads typically last and what can impact their expected lifespan.

Frequent, Sudden Stops

When coming to a stop, try to apply gentle pressure to the brakes to avoid putting undue strain on the pads. When driving, it’s best to maintain several car lengths of distance from the vehicle ahead to ensure there’s plenty of space to come to a gradual stop, when needed. In addition, it’s best to only use one foot when driving to shift between the accelerator and the brake pedal. Applying the brakes while the vehicle is speeding up will only wear out the pads that much faster.

Brake Pad Selection

Unfortunately, not all brake pads offer the same level of longevity and performance. Although ceramic brake pads tend to cost a little more than organic or semi-metallic brake pads, it’s often well worth the investment. Ceramic brake pads stand up well to the rigors of daily driving and often last much longer than other materials available on the market today. Unlike other types of brake pads, ceramic is excellent at dissipating heat quickly, making it far less likely to wear down after thousands of miles on the road.

If you’re looking for reliable, top-quality brake pads for your vehicle, Valley Automall offers several different parts specials that can help you save time and money. We’ll help you select the best brake pads for your particular make and model so you can get back on the road with confidence.

Environmental Factors

Uneven terrain, wet conditions, or frequent severe winter weather events can all take a toll on the lifespan of your brake pads. Living nearby beaches can also contribute to faster brake pad wear as sea salt is well known to cause serious issues for many components in modern vehicles. On the other hand, if you’re frequently driving over flat terrain in areas with fairly temperate weather, you’re far more likely to get more miles out of your brake pads before they’ll need replacement.

Get Your Brake Pads Professionally Serviced at the Valley Automall

Is it time to change out those old, noisy, unreliable brake pads on one of your vehicles? Rely on Valley Automall today for expert assistance. We offer numerous service specials that can put more money back in your pocket, including discounts on brake service and repairs. Visit us online or in-person today to find out more.